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Libros de consulta

Amezquita, Rafael, and Jerry La Gra. A methodological approach to identifying and reducing postharvest food losses. Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture. Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, December 1979.84 p.

ASEAN Food Handling Bureau. Report on workshop on postharvest loss assessment of horticultural produce. Manila, Philippines, 11-13 February, 1985, AFHB. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Caribbean Development Bank, Inter-American Inst. for Cooperation on Agriculture, Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Inst. A programme for agricultural diversification in the OECS: Identification and promotion of non-traditional export crops with potential for joint export marketing. Caribbean Development Bank. Barbados, November 1988. 208 p.

Descartes, Rene. Discourse on method. Trans: John Veitch. London Dent, 1975.

Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ). ZOPP planninq method. GTZ Frankfurt, Germany, 1983.31 + 25 p.

Gittinger, J. Price. Economic analysis of agricultural projects. World Bank. Washington, D.C., 1972.221 p.

La Gra, Jerry, Cesar Rodríguez y America Bastidas. Formulación de un plan de acción a corto plazo dentro de un marco de seguridad alimentaria: Macro orientador. Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura. Santo Domingo, República Dominicana, Mayo, 1985. 38 p.

La Gra, Jerry, Emilio Martínez y José F. Martínez. Identificación, evaluación y reducción de pérdidas de post-cosecha: Arroz en la República Dominicana. Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura, Santo Domingo, D. R., septiembre, 1982. 130 p.

La Gra, Jerry, James R. Jones and Samson C.S. Tsou. An integrated approach to the study of postharvest problems in tropical countries: A case study in Taiwan. Postharvest Institute for Perishables. Univ. of Idaho, Moscow, September, 1983. 97 p.

La Gra, Jerry, Leong Poo Chow and Robert J. Haggerty. A postharvest methodology: Commodity systems approach for the identification of inefficiencies in food systems. Postharvest Institute for Perishables. Univ. of Idaho, Moscow, January 1987.

La Gra, Jerry, and Rafael Marte. The fruit sub-sector in the Windward Islands: Diagnosis-strategy-actions. Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture. St. Lucia, July 1987.323 p.

McCullough, Jim, and Bob Haggerty. An application of a commodity system assessment methodology to improve the functioning of the production and marketing system for ginger in the Rapti Region of Nepal. Postharvest Institute for Perishables GTS Report No. 104. Univ. of Idaho, Moscow, Jane 1989. 74 p.

Malaysian Agricultural Research and Development Institute. Assessment of the commodity system for carambola in Malaysia: Description, problem identification and alternative solutions. MARDI. Kuala Lumpur, Jane 1988. 123 p. + annexes

Murray, Gerald F., and Maria D. Alvarez. The marketing of beans in Haiti: An exploratory study. Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture. Port-au-Prince, Haiti, Jane 1973. 60 p.

National Academy of Sciences. Postharvest food losses in developing countries. Washington, D.C., 1978. 206 p.

Postharvest Institute for Perishables and University of California Extension. Reduction of postharvest losses in perishable crops: Final report (of training course). Posharvest Institute for Perishables GTS Report No. PIP/UC Davis/California/August 87/No. 94. Univ. of Idaho, Moscow, November 1987.86 p.

Rodríguez, César, Jerry La Gra y America Bastidas. Formulación de un plan de acción a corto plazo dentro de un marco de seguridad alimentaria: Marco teórico. Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura. Santo Domingo, República Dominicana, mayo, 1985. 34 p.

Rosenberg, Leon, and Larry Posner. The logical framework: A manager's guide to a scientific approach to design and evaluation. Practical Concepts Incorporated, Washington, D.C., 1979.

Secretaria de Estado de Agricultura. Diagnóstico del sistema de mercadeo agrícola en la República Dominicana. Santo Domingo, 1977. 303 p.

Secretaria de Estado de Agricultura y El Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura. Estudio sobre pérdidas post-cosecha de tomate en la República Dominicana. Santo Domingo, mayo 1977. 70 p.

Secretaria de Estado de Agricultura y El Instituto Interamericano de Cooperación para la Agricultura. Estudio sobre pérdidas post-cosecha de papa en la Rep. Dominicana. Santo Domingo, diciembre 1976. 75 p.