Progress so far
Purpose of the strategy
Specific objectives
Setting priorities
Channels for action
5.1 The 1997 White Paper on international development48 strengthened UK policy on gender equality in a number of ways. It reaffirmed the UK's commitment to put this issue at the heart of international development work, based on a clear understanding of the direct link between gender inequality and poverty. It also explicitly recognised the vital link between human rights and poverty.
48 Eliminating World Poverty: A Challenge for the 21st Century. HMSO, London, 1997.5.2 DFID's focus since the 1997 White Paper has been on strengthening the delivery of the policy, and finding better measures of progress. Implementation is based on a 'twin-track' approach. This combines specific activities aimed at empowering women with a commitment to put concerns about gender equality into the mainstream of development programmes49. The focus of DFID 's work is on supporting innovation and achieving impact. Some of what has been achieved in recent years with UK development assistance is shown in Box 250.
49 The concept of "mainstreaming" is drawn from the 1995 Global Platform for Action, and means several things: that before decisions are taken on a policy or programme, the likely effects on women as well as men are analysed; that wherever possible specific components addressing gender issues are designed into policies and programmes; that women as well as men are consulted in the design, implementation, and assessment of policies and programmes; that monitoring work, including the collection of statistics, seeks to examine the effects on women as well as men.Box 2. Examples of DFID support for gender equality and women's empowerment50 For further examples see: Breaking the Barriers. Women and the Elimination of World Poverty. Issues Paper, Department for International Development, London, 1998.
Economic and social policy DFID has made a major contribution to the development of Participatory Poverty Assessment methods which feed the views of the poor - including women-into national policy making. The government in Uganda has adopted these methods as a routine part of its policy-making cycle.Women's economic empowerment DFID, through its support to the Bangladesh Rural Advancement Committee (BRAC), and other financial service providers around the world have made small-scale finance (credit, savings and insurance) available to millions of poor women.Education DFID-funded training has helped 500 women get promoted to head teacher in primary schools in Kenya in only two years.Women in public life DFID is supporting an innovative programme run by the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) to promote a central role for women in peacemaking and national reconciliation work in Tajikistan.Trade and globalisation The growth of world trade has brought benefits to women, but it has also brought costs. Research funded by DFID has shown, for example, that women in south and south-east Asia suffer low wages and poor working conditions as a result of discrimination in the labour market, while women in Africa are unable to benefit from the opening up of new markets because they lack property rights. New work is under way to identify policy instruments to improve the opportunities for the poor created by globalisation, and reduce the negative effects on the poorest and most vulnerable, including women.Reproductive and sexual health DFID's support to organisations in Calcutta, India working with female commercial sex workers on HIV/AIDS reduction has resulted in HIV infection rates for commercial sex workers in the city remaining below 5% compared with 70% in similar contexts in India. As a consequence of this support, women engaged in the local sex industry have formed a self-managed co-operative, taking actions to achieve reductions in violence, increased women's access to credit and lobbying government for recognition of their rights as workers.Rights of the child The UK has helped formulate a powerful new international convention, through the International Labour Organisation (ILO), to combat the worst forms of child labour. Support is also being provided to an ILO initiative to combat trafficking in children in south east Asia.Violence against women DFID is supporting a growing portfolio of activities aimed at stopping violence against women, including work in Jordan, Kenya, Malawi, Namibia, Pakistan, South Africa, the Caribbean, and Zambia.Basic services and infrastructure New approaches to
infrastructure programmes which emphasise service delivery linked to social
benefits and women's needs are being developed with DFID's support. Work
includes the use of participatory planning and assessment methods in road
improvement programmes in Uganda and Ghana, and support to a 15-country research
programme in Africa and Asia aimed at developing more gender-sensitive
approaches to travel and transport programmes. |
51 DFID uses a Policy Information Marker System (PIMS) to track expenditure commitments in its bilateral programme against key policy objectives, including the removal of gender discrimination. Major spending commitments are marked for all of the policy objectives they seek to address. This accounts for the support we provide directly to developing countries through governments or organisations in civil society.5.4 The UK is working to ensure that donor efforts are better co-ordinated. It plays a leading role in the Working Party on Gender Equality of the Development Assistance Committee (DAC) of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), a key international body for bilateral donor co-ordination. DFID's policy framework and approach draws heavily on guidelines produced by the DAC, with significant UK inputs52.
52 DAC Guidelines for Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment in Development Co-operation, Development Co-operation Guidelines Series, OECD, Paris, 1998.5.5 More than half the UK's budget for development assistance is spent through the European Union, the United Nations and other multilateral partners. Very close links are maintained with multilateral development agencies, including the European Commission, the UN funds and programmes, and international financial institutions such as the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the various regional development banks.
Table 1. DFID bilateral spending commitments on gender equality (PIMS data), 1994-95/98-99
Financial Year |
1994-95 |
1995-96 |
1996-97 |
1997-98 |
1998-99 |
Total PIMS marked spending commitments |
£854.1 m. |
£701.1 m. |
£878.8 m. |
£879.2 m. |
£1,305,1 m. |
New spending commitments with gender equality as an
objective |
£198.5 m. |
£209.7 m. |
£310.6 m. |
£258.0 m. |
Percentage committed to gender equality goals |
23.2% |
29.9% |
35.3% |
29.3%53 |
53 The dip in 1997-98 is accounted for by the introduction of a revised, and more stringent, marker. Subsequent work has had to be even more focused on gender equality goals than before.5.6 The UK is an active participant in international policy discussions and the global round of UN conferences, and is a strong supporter of the UN Secretary General's reform programme54. DFID also works closely with partners in civil society, including international NGOs and local development and community based organisations, to promote gender equality and support the women's movement in developing countries. New partnerships are also being built with the private sector and the trade union movement.
54 See Working in Partnership with the United Nations. DFID Institutional Strategy Paper, London, 1999.5.7 New DFID recruits receive briefing on the UK's gender equality policy and objectives as part of their induction. Training in gender planning is provided for DFID personnel on a regular basis, both in the UK and overseas. DFID also invests in gender expertise in developing countries, and supports numerous initiatives in many parts of the world to train trainers and to pass on gender analysis and planning skills to government and non-government partners.
5.8 The purpose of DFID 's strategy is to ensure that women's empowerment and gender equality are actively pursued in the mainstream of all development activities. It builds on the lessons learned from international and donor experience. It also signals an intention to move more actively into fundamental areas of core policy and regulatory reform and strategic action. We will implement this through a framework of collaboration, with priorities being redrawn to focus on the major sticking points identified in the situation analysis and lessons learned, without giving up a broader commitment to addressing issues of gender equality across the whole range of the work we do.
5.9 We will bring a much stronger focus in our work to supporting the incorporation of gender equality goals into national and local policy frameworks. We will support the development of better data and measures of progress, and the reform of public spending and regulatory frameworks in ways which bring more equity into the sharing of benefits between women and men. We will back up this commitment by continuing to strengthen our own knowledge base and capacity to turn good gender policy and analysis into practical action. We will also support the strengthening of similar capacities in partner governments and organisations in civil society and the private sector, and continue to work hard for stronger and more effective coordination of donor effort.
... The purpose of DFID's strategy is to ensure that women's
empowerment and gender equality are actively pursued in the mainstream of all
development activities ... |
5.11 DFID's strategy will aim to support the achievement often specific objectives, consistent with both the International Development Targets and the global Platform for Action, and with the analysis set out in the situation analysis in this paper. The specific objectives are set out in Box 3, along with examples of the kinds of actions we might support to achieve them.
Box 3. DFID objectives and examples of actions
Objective 1. |
· Development and implementation
of equal opportunities policies. |
Objective 2. |
· Improved access to financial
services for women. |
Objective 3. |
· Development of policies and
programmes to remove gender barriers to education. |
Objective 4. |
· Capacity-building and other
support to women's organisations. |
Objective 5. |
· Reform and strengthening of
criminal and civil law. |
Objective 6. |
· Civil service and public
spending reforms to establish and support appropriate government
structures. |
Objective 7. |
· Reform and strengthening of
criminal and civil law. |
Objective 8. |
· Support to media projects and
campaigns, including gender training for journalists and programme
makers. |
Objective 9. |
· Gender aware planning and
women's participation in the development of National Strategies for Sustainable
Development. |
Objective 10. |
· Implementation of the
Convention on the Rights of the Child. |
5.13 Most of the objectives refer to country level work, but all depend on action at the regional and international levels too. Achievement of greater livelihood security, for example, will depend on the reform of global frameworks for trade regulation and codes of conduct as well as on changes in regulations and the creation of opportunities at the country level. It is also important to note that the objectives are highly interdependent. Thus, while better access to education will help women to equip themselves to take a more prominent role in public life, more women will need to find their way into positions of power and influence before they gain a real voice in public policy. At the same time, it will be difficult for women to rise to positions of seniority and influence in society without major changes in attitudes and values. These changes, in turn, will accelerate as women have more opportunities to demonstrate their leadership capabilities.
5.14 The achievement of these objectives will depend on the continued strengthening of the 'twin-track' approach, combining focused actions aimed at women's empowerment and gender aware action in the mainstream of development work. In all cases, gender sensitive social assessment work will be required to ensure that policy and practice are informed by a full understanding of the diversity of women's experience and aspirations.
5.15 While no one objective is seen as having more importance than others, it will not be possible for DFID to pursue all ten objectives at once, everywhere in the world. Priorities will need to be set case by case, and this will depend on the wider analysis informing country and institutional strategies. Priorities will need to be set, both on the basis of regional and local situation analyses and on the basis of assessments of the policy environment on a country by country basis. For example, global data suggests that education will need to be a major focus in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. Issues related to child rights may be of particular concern in parts of Asia. In Latin America, it may be important to put particular emphasis on political representation, or the needs and rights of women in indigenous groups. Female genital mutilation may be a particular concern in parts of Africa.
5.16 Whatever priorities are set, there will be no DFID country or institutional strategy which does not take account of gender equality. Specific areas for action in relation to many of these objectives can be found in other papers in the DFID series of Strategies for Achieving the International Development Targets.
5.17 Delivery of the DFID strategy will be through three main channels, defining focal areas for action. These are:
Support to governments, civil society, and the private sector for the accelerated implementation of the Platform for Action and the inclusion of gender equality goals in the mainstream of all development programmesStronger collaboration and co-ordination for the achievement of gender equality goals among donors, including the European Union, UN system, and the World Bank and other international financial institutions;
The strengthening of DFID's internal capacity through research and knowledge development, information support, and gender training.
Channel 1 Support to governments, civil society, and the private sector for the accelerated implementation of the Platform for Action, and the inclusion of gender equality goals in the mainstream of all development programme |
5.19 We will follow up agreements at the international level in our negotiations with developing country governments over the priorities to be addressed through our country strategies, and with international organisations in relation to the aims and objectives of our institutional strategies.
5.20 A key role we will seek to play in promoting the inclusion of gender equality objectives in the mainstream of development assistance will be that of knowledge broker. To support this role, we will continue to invest in applied research and other knowledge development work, including the capturing and dissemination of good practice and lessons from experience. Our work in knowledge development will include a focus on new areas of analysis and activity, including such issues as the impact of globalisation on gender equality and the gender aspects of new development co-operation instruments such as sector-wide approaches (SWAPs).
Channel 2 Commitment to stronger collaboration and co-ordination for the achievement of gender equality goals among donors, including the European Union, UN system, and the World Bank and other international financial institution |
5.22 We will continue to build on the leading role we already play in advancing understanding of gender and development issues among development colleagues, while at the same time gaining as much benefit as possible from the lessons drawn from the experience of others and the high quality knowledge development work done in the international community as a whole.
5.23 We will encourage the development of common country assessment frameworks as part of the UN reform process at the country level, and will also work to promote closer collaboration and complementarity of action between the UN funds and programmes and the international financial institutions. We will also continue to work closely with the Commonwealth Secretariat and support its role in developing new and innovative lines of work.
5.24 We will continue to build our collaborative relationships with the European Commission, including developing much closer collaboration on gender mainstreaming issues through country programmes. We wilt also continue to make an energetic contribution to central dialogue within the EU to maintain a strong policy framework for European development co-operation and a clear focus on achieving results. Our work with European colleagues will be a useful jumping off point for continued engagement with the wider framework for bilateral donor co-ordination established through the Development Assistance Committee of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
5.25 We will also continue to encourage the World Bank and the other development banks and international financial institutions to continue to build their expertise in gender analysis, and to factor the findings of this into their assistance and lending programmes.
Channel 3 The strengthening of DFID's internal capacity through knowledge development, information support, and gender training |
55 Examples of good practice in promoting women's empowerment, both in the UK and overseas, are contained in a recent Women's Unit/DFID/FCO join publication Equality in Practice, which was prepared for the five-year review of the Beijing conference.5.27 We will keep our skills mix and specialist capabilities under constant review, to ensure that we are providing the right kind of professional support, in the right places and at the right times. Above all, we will seek to ensure that our work in support of gender equality goals is well-focused, practical, and directly linked to changes in the real world for the benefit of both women and men.