In the Bibliography (pp. 66 - 80) the following codes are used to identify the countries and/or particular issues for which individual items listed are relevant.
Africa |
Angola |
Armenia |
Azerbaijan |
Bosnia-Herzegovina |
Caucasus |
Chechnya |
Croatia |
Eastern Europe |
Ethiopia |
Georgia |
Germany |
Iraq |
Lebanon |
Liberia |
Mozambique |
Palestine |
South Africa |
Rwanda |
Sudan |
Tajikistan |
CO |
co-operation |
G |
general |
HR |
human resources |
IR |
ideological reconstruction |
MC |
material and curricular resources |
OF |
organisational framework |
PD |
population and demography |
PH |
physical reconstruction |
PY |
psychological reconstruction |
RE |
reform |
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'A Situation Analysis of Children and Women in Armenia', Government of Armenia in Cooperation with UNICEF, 1995 [ARM, G]
Abdulai, Napoleon (ed.), Genocide in Rwanda, Background and Current Situation, Africa Research and Information Centre, London, 1994 [RWA, G]
African Rights, 'Rwanda, Who is Killing; Who is Dying; What is to be Done?' 1994 [RWA, G]
Afrik, Tai, 'Non-literate Women in Extreme Poverty', UNESCO, March 1993 [AFR, G]
'Aide Mémoire, Interdisciplinary Mission to Sudan, Review of Refugee Assistance Programme, Eastern Sudan, 12-29 March, 1995', UNHCR, n.d. [SUD, PD]
Alden, C. and Simpson, M., 'Mozambique: A Delicate Peace', The Journal of Modern African Studies, Vol. 31. No. 1, 1993 [MOZ, G]
Allen, John, 'Basic Education for All. The Afghan Experience. Conceptual Framework and Strategies', UNESCO, Paris, 1994 [G]
Allen, T. and Morsink, H., 'When Refugees go Home', UNRISD, James Curry, Trenton, Africa World Press, London, 1994 [RWA, PD]
Almeida, R. and El Jack, K., Implementation and Management of Educational Building Programmes', UNESCO, Paris, 1981 [PH, G]
Amnesty International, 'Sudan: The Ravages of War. Political Killings and Humanitarian Disaster', London, 1993 [SUD, PD]
Anderson, Hemming, 'School Furniture for Schools in Iraq. Projects 208/IRQ/10/11/12/13. Rehabilitating the Learning Environment in Iraq', UNESCO, 1995 [IRQ, PH]
'Angola, Emergency Education Programme of Action for the Child-Victims of the War (EDEPA)', UNESCO, March 1992 [ANG, PD]
Angola Peace Monitor Number 1, Vol. II. 30 September 1995 [ANG, G]
Anweiler, O., 'Some Historical Aspects of Educational Change in the Former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe', Oxford Studies in Comparative Education, Vol. 2, No. 1.1992 [EAE, G]
Apple, Michael, W., Ideology and Curriculum, Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1979.. [G, IR]
Arab States Compendium of Higher Education Programmes in Family and Home Economics, Nutrition, Food Science and Technology and Health Sciences, UNESCO/International Union of Nutritional Sciences, Paris, 1992 [ARB, PH]
Arden, Donald, 'Mozambique: Horror and Hope', 1989 [MOZ, CO]
Arya, A.S. and Chandra, B., 'Digest on Earthquake Protection of Educational Buildings', UNESCO, Paris, 1982 [G, PH]
Ashkenazi, M., & Levin, C., An Educational Programme for Immigrant Ethiopian Children and their Mothers', Early Child Development and Care, Vol. 27. No. 4, New York, 1987 [ETH, MC, PD]
Ayisi, Ruth Ansah, 'Mine Awareness Campaign Launched', Information Bulletin, Mozambique Repatriation, September 1993 [MOZ, PD, PH]
Balfour, Michael and Mair, John, Four-Power Control in Germany and Austria, London, 1956 [G]
Ball, Nicole and Halevy, Tammy, 'Making Peace Work: The Role of the International Development Community', Policy Essay No. 18, Johns Hopkins University Press, ODC, Washington, DC, 1996 [G, IR, CO]
Bergh, Anne-Marie, 'Curriculum Reform and Reconstruction in Africa and Latin America' in Dekker, Elise and Lemmer, Eleanor, Critical Issues in Modern Education, Butterworths, Durban, 1993 [RSA, RE]
Berthiaume, Christiane, 'NGOs, Our Right Arm', Refugees, NGOs & UNHCR, Vol. 3, No. 97.1994 [RWA, PD]
Bethlenfalvy, P. von, ed., Problems Arising from Migratory Movements of Refugees, Migrants and Ethnic Minorities, Stuttgart, Germany, Animation and Dissemination Service, 1987 [PD]
Betts, T., Refugees in Eastern Africa: A Comparative Study, Oxfam, Oxford, 1966 [APR, PD]
Bîrzea, César, Educational Policies of the Countries in Transition, Council of Europe Press, Strasbourg, 1994 [EAE, G]
Blum, Wolfgang, 'Der Tod unter den Füßen', Die Zeit, 9/2/96 [PH]
Bollag, B., 'Bosnia's Universities See Hope as Academic Year Begins', The Chronicle of Higher Education, No. 6, 6.10.96 [BOS, G]
Bollag, B., 'Bosnia's Academic Exiles: Students Who Fled Their War-Torn Country Face New Challenges Abroad', The Chronicle of Higher Education, No. 35, 21.5.95 [BOS, G]
Boothe, Margaret Zoller, 'Children of Migrant Fathers: The Effects of Father Absence on Swazi Children's Preparedness for School', Comparative Education Review, May 1995 [AFR, PH]
Borges Coelho, J and Vines, A., Pilot Study on Demobilization and Re-integration of Ex-Combatants in Mozambique, Refugee Studies Programme, University of Oxford, 1995 [MOZ, PD]
Borton, John, 'The Changing Role of NGOs in the Provision of Relief and Rehabilitation Assistance: Case Study 3 - Northern Ethiopia & Eritrea', ODI Working Paper 76, London, May 1994 [ETH, G]
Brosse, Thérèse, War-Handicapped Children, UNESCO, Paris, 1950 [PD]
'Building Basic Education' in Educational Spaces, No. 3, UNESCO, 1992 [PH, G]
'Building Bridges to the Future', Education for All, UNESCO, No. 11, April - June, 1993 [PD]
Burr, J. Millard and Collins, Robert. O., Requiem for the Sudan, Westview Press, Oxford, 1995 [SUD, G]
Butcher, J. N. et al., Psychological Interventions With Refugees, Minneapolis, Minnesota University, Refugees Assistance Program - Mental Health Technical Assistance Center, 1988 [PD, PY]
Caillods, F., Atchoarena, D., and Bertrand, O., Trends and Challenges in Eastern Europe', IIEP Newsletters, January - March, 1995 [EAE, RE]
Canada's Periodical on Refugees, REFUGE, 'Special Issue on Mozambican Refugees', Vol. 13, No. 6, October 1993 [MOZ, PD]
Caring for Young Refugees (Japan), Khmer Ikat Weaving, Produced by Khmer Refugees in Thailand and Caring for Young Refugees of Japan through the assistance of Bernard van Leer Foundation with the cooperation of UNESCO and UNHCR, Bangkok., Principal Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, 1990 [PD]
CENE and DPCCN, Rising to the Challenge: Dealing with the DPCCN, Emergency in Mozambique, CENE & DPCCN, Maputo, 1988 [MOZ, PH]
Central European University (Information from the Internet) [EAE, IR]
Cerych, L., 'Educational Reforms in Central and Eastern Europe', European Journal of Education, Vol. 30, No. 4, 1995 [EAE, RE]
Chambers, R., 'Rural Refugees After Arusha', UNHCR, Geneva, 1979 [AFR, PD]
Chang, Gwang-Chol, 'La Réhabilitation et la Réconstruction du Système Educatif au Rwanda', UNESCO, 1994 [RWA, G]
Children in War, UNICEF, 1995 (Information from the Internet) [G]
Clarke, Sam, 'Palestinian Democracy in Transition', in WUS News, Education for Development, No. 1, Feb. 1994 [PAL, CO]
Cline, S. W., RENAMO: Anti-Communist Insurgents in Mozambique. The Fight Goes On, U.S. Global Strategy Council, Washington, D.C., 1989 [MOZ, IR]
Cohen, Lynn and Esther E. Gottlieb, 'Emergency Response versus Sustainable Support: The Case of Teacher Education in Bosnia' (paper presented at the 40th Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society in Williamsburg, 6-10 March, 1996) [BOS, HR]
Colclough, Christopher, 'Formal Education Systems and Planning for Poverty', Symposium on Educational Planning, Human Resources and Employment, Paris, 1976 [G, HR, MC]
Compendium of African Higher Education Programmes in Family and Home Economics, Nutrition, Food Science and Technology and Health Sciences, UNESCO/International Union of Nutritional Sciences, Paris, 1992 [AFR, PH]
'Conflict in the Caucasus', Information Bulletin, UNHCR, July 1994 [CAU, G]
'Cooperation with Iraq: Report of a Mission on Reconstruction and Development, 22-28 September, 1989', UNESCO, 1989 [IRQ, G]
Corey, K. et al., A Whole Language Programme for Refugee Children, Washington, DC, Center for Applied Linguistics, Refugee Service Center, 1987 [ PD]
Cosgrave, J., 'Humanitarian Assistance in Complex Emergencies', LWF Development Education Forum, February 1995 [G]
Crisp, J., 'Refugee Education: the Primary Challenge' in Refugee Issues, No. 44, 1987 [PD]
De Jong, Joop T.V.M. and Clarke, Lucy (eds.), 'Refugee Mental Health: Draft Manual for Field Testing', WHO & UNHCR, Geneva, 1992 [PY, G]
Dekker, Elise and Lemmer, Eleanor, M., Critical Issues in Modern Education, Butterworth, Durban, 1993 [ETH, MC]
Development of Education In the Arab States: a statistical review and projections, UNESCO, Paris, 1993 [ARB, G]
'Développement de l'enseignement technique et de la formation professionnelle (Phase II): Liban - (mission) ', August 1988 [LEB, G]
Diaz, Mary, 'Refugee Children Have Special Needs', Women's Commission News, No. 12, Winter 1996 [ANG, MOZ, PH]
Directory of Early Childhood Care and Education Organizations in Sub-Saharan Africa, UNESCO, Paris, 1991 [AFR, G]
Directory of National Bodies of the Regional Programme for the Eradication of Illiteracy in Africa, UNESCO/BREDA, Dakar, 1989 [AFR, G]
Dizdar, S., 'Ministry of Education: Bosnia-Herzegovina; Some Facts About Bosnia-Herzegovina', 29.11.95 (Information from the Internet) [BOS, G]
Dodds, T., Inquai, S., Education in Exile: the educational needs of refugees, Cambridge, UK, International Extension College, 1983 [MOZ, ANG, RSA, ETH, RWA, SUD, PD]
Dodds, T., The Education of Refugees in Africa: the role of distance and open learning', in Media in Education and Development, Vol. 21, No. 2, New Jersey, June 1988 [AFR, ANG, SUD, PD]
Dodds, T. et al., Refugee Education. The Case for International Action, Cambridge, UK, International Extension College, London, WUS, 1986 [PD]
Dolan, Chris, 'Aliens Abroad, Mozambicans in the New South Africa', INDICATOR SA, Vol. 12, No. 3, Winter 1995 [MOZ, PD]
Dossier on UNESCO Emergency Actions in Education, UNESCO, Paris, 1993 [G]
Drumtra, Jeff, 'Rwandan Refugees: Updated Findings and Recommendations', UNHCR, 25.10.95 [RWA, PY, PD]
Early Childhood Care and Education for Refugee Children, Newsletter, Bernard van Leer Foundation (The Hague), No. 42, 1986 [PD]
Education, Adjustment and Reconstruction: Options for Change, UNESCO, Paris, 1993 [G]
Education and Training Policies in Sub-Saharan Africa, UNESCO, Paris, 1987 [AFR, G]
'Education for All: Educational Buildings and Furniture', Educational Spaces, No. 2, 1991 [RWA, PH, G]
Education in Africa: between tradition and modernity, Bulletin of the IBE, Nos. 252/253, September-December 1989, UNESCO-IBE, Paris, 1989 [AFR]
'Education in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Priorities for Recovery', Open Society Institute Education Programme Support Unit, July 1995 (Information from the Internet). [BOS, G]
Education of Immigrants. Annotated Bibliography, UNESCO, Paris, 1988 [PD, G]
Educational Innovation Programme for Development in the Arab States (EIPDAS): a framework for regional and International Co-operation, UNESCO/UNEDBAS, Amman, 1994 [ARB, DF]
Educational Strategies for the 1990s in Africa: Promotion of Literacy Teaching and Basic Education for Development, UNESCO/ECA/OAU, Paris, 1991 [AFR, G]
Eisenbruch, M., 'The Mental Health of Refugee Children and their Cultural Development', International Migration Review, Vol. 22, No. 2, New York, Summer 1988 [PY, PD]
El Bushra, J., Case Studies of Educational Needs Among Refugees. 2: Eritrean and Ethiopian Refugees in the Sudan, Cambridge, UK, International Extension College, 1985 [ETH, SUD, PD]
El-Khawad, Hamid, Intersectoral Mission to Iraq, 22-29 September, 1989, UNEDBAS, Amman, 1989 [IRQ, PH, MC]
'Ethiopia. Public Expenditure Policy for Transition, Vol. 1, Report Summary and Reform Measures, October 21,1994', World Bank [ETH, DF]
European Workshop on the Evolution of Education in Central and Oriental European Countries, Paris, 5-7 November, 1992. Report, UNESCO, Paris, 1993 [EAE, G]
Fehnel, Richard, 'Education Policy and Management and the Road to Restructuring: A Comparative Analysis' in Restructuring South African Education in the 1990s, HSRC, Vol. 1, 1993 [RSA, G]
Financing Higher Education in the Arab Region, UNESCO/UNEDBAS, Amman, 1991 [ARB, G]
Fitzpatrick, B., 'People in Need', Report of the Team Visit to Armenia and Nagorno-Karabagh, 1994 [ARM, G]
'Former Yugoslavia. Healing Mental Wounds', UNICEF, 1995 [BOS, PY]
Foster, Annie, 'From Emergency to Empowerment: The Role of Education for Refugee Communities', 1995 (Information from the Internet) [PD, G]
Friedl, R., Erziehung und Ausbildung für Flüchtlinge in Afrika: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen der Ausbildungshilfe des Hochkommissariats für Flüchtlinge der Vereinten Nationen (UNHCR), Germany, Institut für Afrikakunde, 1987 [AFR, PD]
Friedl, R., 'Highly Political Education: Refugee Education Problems in the Horn of Africa' in Migration World, Vol. 18, No. 2, New York, 1990 [AFR, PD]
Gasarasi, C., 'The Mass Naturalization and Further Integration of Rwandese Refugees in Tanzania', Journal of Refugee Studies, Vol. 3, No. 2, 1990 [RWA, PD]
Gerhart, G.M., Educational Assistance to Refugees from South Africa and Namibia, Oxford, UK, Refugees Studies Programme, London, British Refugee Council, 1984 [RSA, PD]
Global Information Network In Education (GINIE), University of Pittsburgh, School of Education, Institute for International Studies in Education, 1996 (Information from the Internet) [G]
Graham-Brown, S., Education, Repression and Liberation: Palestinians, London, WUS, 1984 [PAL, PD]
Graham-Brown, S., Education in the Developing World, Longman, London, 1991 [G] Grant, N., 'Society, School and Progress in Eastern Europe', 1969 [BOS, G]
Green, Reginald Herbold, 'From Survival to Livelihood, An Overview Illustrated from Mozambique', Workshop on Linking Relief and Development, Institute of Development Studies at the University of Sussex, 28-29 March 1994 [MOZ; CO]
Habte-Mariam, Z., Research Project into the Needs of Mother-Tongue Provision by the Armenian, Eritrean, Iranian and Latin American Refugee Community Groups in London, London, British Refugee Council, 1989 [PD]
Hall, Eve, 'Vocational Training for Women Refugees in Africa: Guide-lines from Selected Field Projects', Geneva, 1988 [AFR, PD]
Hanf, Theodor, Co-existence in War-time Lebanon: Decline of a State and Rise of a Nation, London, Centre for Lebanese Studies and I.B. Tauris & Co., 1993
Harrell-Bond, B.E., Imposing Aid: Emergency Aid to Refugees, OUP, Oxford, 1986 [PD] Health Education Intervention: Annotated Bibliography, UNESCO, Paris, 1986 [G, PH]
Healey, P., The Work of the Sudan Extension Unit and Proposal for a Refugee Education Network', in Convergence, Vol. 20, No. 2, Ontario, 1987 [SUD, PD]
Hearnden, Arthur, The British in Germany. Educational Reconstruction after 1945, London, Hamish Hamilton, 1978. [GER, G]
Higher Education Support Programme (Information from the Internet) [EAE, IR]
'Hilfe für Bosnien und Kroatien. Schulen handeln.', in Forum, UNESCO -Projekt-Schulen. Heft 2,1995 [BOS, CRO, CO]
Hoberg, S. M., 'Restructuring School Management: The Role of the School Principal as an Effective Communicator Within a Period of Educational Crisis in South Africa', HSRC, 1993 [RSA, OF]
Hodges, Tony, 'Angola on the Road to Reconstruction', Africa Recovery, December 1995 [ANG, PH]
Holdsworth, N., 'World Bank Warns of Collapse', TES, 17 February, 1995 [EAE, HR]
Holdsworth, N., 'Ingenuity can Conquer all in the New Russia', THES, 7 April, 1995 [EAE, G]
Holdsworth, N., 'Russia Pushes for Grozny Rebuilding', TES, 9 June, 1995 [CHE, PH]
HOPE '87, 'Hope for Sarajevo - Medical Care and Educational-professional Training for War-mutilated Young People - and Young Amputees' (in cooperation with UNESCO), 1994 [BOS, PY]
Humanitarian Assistance in Angola, UN/UCAH, 12-18 March 1996 [ANG, PH, PD, IR]
Ibrahim, Assa, 'Education in Sudan: Diversity and Adversity' in Education for Human Rights, UNESCO: IBE, Paris, 1994 [SUD, IR]
Illarionov, A., 'Chechen War Wrecks Economic Stabilisation', Moscow News, February 2 -8.1996 [CHE, G]
Implementation of the Plan for the Development of Education for International Understanding, Co-operation and Peace, UNESCO, Paris, 1987 [IR, G]
International Labour Office (ILO), 'Employment and Economic Reform: Towards a Strategy for the Sudan', ILO, Geneva, 1987 [SUD, PH, MC]
International Organization for Migration (IOM) News, 'Professors to Return to Rwanda', July/August 1995 [RWA, HR]
International Workshop on Refugee Education, Dartington, UK, 1985, Refugee Education: the Case for International Action, Report ed. by T. Dodds, et al., Cambridge, UK, International Extension College, London, WUS, 1986 [PD]
Jacobsen, Philip, 'Babes in Arms', Sunday Times, 31.3.96 [RWA, PY]
James, Wendy, 'The Bonga Scheme, Progress to 1994 and Outlook for 1995: A. Report for UNHCR on Assistance to Sudanese (Uduk) Refugees in Western Ethiopia', January 1995 [SUD, ETH, OF]
Jobbins, D., 'Award Scheme Proves a Triumph', THES, 17.11.95 [G]
Jobs and Skills Programme for Africa in Employment and Economic Reform: Towards a Strategy for the Sudan, International Labour Office (ILO), Geneva, 1987 [SUD, G]
Jockenhövel-Schiecke, H., 'Ihr Leben braucht eine Zukunft - Flüchtlingskinder aus Eritrea in der Bundesrepublik, Gemeinsam, Nr. 9, Germany, 1988 [SUD, PD]
John, Magnus, 'Africa: A Survey of Distance Education 1991', UNESCO, Paris, 1991 [AFR, G]
Jones, G., & Ababovich, M. Vrebac, The Bosnian Escape Route', Guardian Education, 6.6.95 [BOS, HR]
Kahssay, A., Primary Education for Refugee Children in Rural Settlements, Cambridge, UK, International Extension College, 1987 [PD]
Kampmann, B., 'Kinder und Jugendliche aus dem Libanon - eine menschliche und pädagogische Herausforderung', Gemeinsam, Nr. 9, Germany, 1988 [LEB, PD]
Karekezi, Augustin, ' "Ethnic" Warfare: A Legacy of Colonialism', The Mustard Seed, Jesuit Refugee Service/USA, No. 39, Winter/Spring 1995 [RWA, PD]
Khalaf, O.M, and Bachair, A.S., 'Improving Administration in Higher Education Institutions of the Arab Countries', UNESCO/UNEDBAS, Amman, 1993 [ARB, HR]
Khasiani, S.A., The Impact of Refugees in Receiving Countries in Africa: the causes of Refugee Women and Refugee Professionals' in Appleyard, R., ed., The Impact of International Migration on Developing Countries, Paris, OECD, 1989 [AFR., PD]
Kirsch, Ottfried, C., 'Resettlement and Relief in Ethiopia', Forschungsstelle für Internationale Agrarentwicklung, E. V. Heidelberg, No. 15, October 1989 [ETH, PD]
Knightly, Birdie, 'Ugandans Aid Sudan Exiles', WUS-News, November 1991 [SUD, PD]
Lamonte, R.B., The Education of Palestine Refugees on the West Bank and Gaza Strip: the Role of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency', in Canadian and International Education, Vol. 17, No. 1, Alberta, 1988 [PAL, PD]
Mac Gregor, Karen, 'Candidate for Top Job Upsets Old Guard', THES, 17.11.95 [RSA, HR]
Magnen, André, 'Educational Project Design, Lessons Drawn from French-Speaking Sub-Saharan Africa', UNESCO, Paris, 1990 [AFR, G]
Massey, S., 'Tashkent Masterminds', THES, 29.3.96 [HR]
Mayer, Susanne, 'Ich will böse sein und töten. Die Mutter ermorden der Vater verschwunden, die Schule zerbombt - Gespräche mit Kindern des Krieges' in Die Zeit, Nr. 2, 5.1.96 [BOS, CRO, PY]
Mazrui, A. A., 'The African State as a Political Refugee: Institutional Collapse and Human Displacement' in International Journal of Refugee Law, Special Issue, Summer 1995 [AFR, PD]
McGreal, Chris, 'Rwanda's New Lessons in Hatred', The Guardian, 9.9.95 [RWA, G]
McSpadden, L.A., 'Ethiopian Refugee Resettlement in the Western United States: Social Context and Psychological Well-Being' in International Migration Review, Vol. 21, No. 3, New York, 1987 [ETH, PD]
Meeting of Senior Officials Responsible for Education in the Arab States, Amman, 22-26 June 1987, Final Report, UNESCO, Paris, 1987 [ARB, OF]
Mercier, Michèle, Crimes Without Punishment, Humanitarian Action in Former Yugoslavia, London, Pluto Press, 1995 [BOS, CRO, CO]
'Mid-Term Review of the United Nations Consolidated Inter-Agency Appeal for Tajikistan', 1 January - 31 December, 1995', DHA, 8.8.95 [TAJ G]
Mozambique News Agency AIM Reports, No. 75, 11.1.96 [MOZ, G]
Mungazi, Dickson, A., The Challenge of Educational Innovation and National Development in Southern Africa, South Africa, 1993 [RSA, G]
Nbanga, T., 'Shelter from the War', TES, London, 23.11.90 [PD]
Noor, Abdun, 'Education and Basic Human Needs, World Bank Staff Working Papers No. 450', World Bank, Washington, 1981 [G, IR]
Nordstrom, Carolyn, Treating the Wounds of War', Cultural Survival Quarterly, Summer 1993 [MOZ, IR, PY]
O'Leary, J., 'Lessons in Freedom', THES, 24.2.92 [EAE, IR]
Open Society News, Fall 1995/Winter 1996 [BOS, PH]
Organization of African Unity. Bureau for Refugees, Refugee Education and Training at Post-Secondary Level, Addis Ababa, 1983 [AFR, PD]
Orr, P, USAID Office Director, 'FY 1996 Assistance to Central and Eastern Europe', USAID, 1996 (Information from the Internet) [EAE, IR]
Overseas Development Council (ODC), The Role of International Institutions in Post-Conflict Rebuilding', 28.2.96 [BOS, G]
Oxfam Report, 'Mozambique: A Cry for Peace', June 1987 [MOZ, G]
'Palestine: le défi de l'éducation' in UNESCO Nouvelles de L'Education, No. 4, February 1996 [PAL, G]
PAPP: Programme of Assistance to the Palestinian People, Constructing Peace (1995-1996-1997), UNESCO, 1994 [PAL, G]
Parmelee, Jennifer, 'Sudan Dispatch: The Lost Boys', Humanitarian Monitor, Sudan, Somalia and the Legacy of Conflict in the Horn of Africa, No. 2, February 1995 [SUD, PY]
Pedersen, P., Culturally Appropriate Mental Health Services for Unaccompanied Refugee/Entrant Minors: An Alternative Training Approach in Three Parts, New York, New York State Department of Social Services, Division of Family and Children's Services, 1988 [PY, PD]
Phillips, David, 'British Educational Policy in Occupied Germany: Some Problems and Paradoxes in the Control of Schools and Universities' in International Currents in Educational Ideas and Practices, ed., Cunningham, Peter and Brock, Colin, History of Education Society, 1988 [GER, PH]
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'Refugee Education, Bulletin of the IBE, No. 261, October-December 1991', UNESCO-IBE, Paris, 1992 [G, PD]
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