Annex I : List of participants
INTERNATIONAL PARTICIPANTSMr. Leonard GrantChemist of the FoodTechnical DivisionChemistry & Food Tech. Div.Dunbars, Antigua W.I.Tel.: (809) 462 - 4502St. John'sANTIGUA & BARBUDA
Ms. Gloria GoodingAgricultural Aide,Ministry of AgricultureCrumpton St. B'townTel.: 4277526B'townBARBADOS
Ms. Brenda GarbuttWomen Development Officer,Ministry of Social Development26 Albert Street, Belize C.A.P.O.Box 846Tel.: (02) 77397BELIZE
Ms. Claudia BellotManager, Produce ChemistProduce Chemist Laboratory,Ministry of AgricultureBotanic Gardens, RoseauTel.: 809 44 82401DOMINICA
Ms. Heida RahimFood TechnologistProduce Chemist LaboratoryMinistry of AgricultureTantee St. George'sTel.: (809) 440 3273Fax: 440 4191GRENADA
Mr. Ismay SamHead of Commercial and Market PolicyUnit,Guyana Marketing Corporation87 Robb & Alexander Street,GeorgetownP.O. Box 10 816Tel.: 68255Fax: 592-2-68255GUYANA
Mr. Alwyn G. LynchDirectorFood Technology Institute,Scientific Research Council4 Winchester Rd. Kng. 10 TelP.O. Box 350, Kingston 6Tel.: 926 8620-2Fax: 809 927 5347Tlx.: 3631 SRCSTINJAJAMAICA
Ms. Janette LawrencePost Harvest SpecialistsNational Project DirectorGCP/JAM/016JNETMinistry of AgricultureHope Gardens, Kingston 6Tel.: 9271791-3JAMAICA
Mr. Charles WarringtonHead Agricultural Science Department,Cayon High SchoolCayon, St. KittsTel.: 465-3520ST. CHRISTOPHER-NEVIS
Mr. James L. FletcherProduce ChemistUnion Agricultural Station, St. LuciaMinistry of AgricultureTel.: 45 25375Fax: 45 36314CastriesST. LUCIA
Mr. Andreas N. WickhamIndustry Officer,Ministry of Agriculture Industry andLabourKingstownTel.: (809) 45 61106ST. VINCENT AND THEGRENADINES
Ms. Rosemarie DefaresWomen in Development OfficerExtension ServicesMinistry of AgricultureCultuurtuinlaan N° 10, SurinameTel.: 475657 - 472148ParamariboSURINAME
Dr. Maura ImbertBiochemist, Principal ResearcherCaribbean IndustrialResearch Institute, (CARIRI)W.I. UniversityU.W.I. Campus St. Augustine, TrinidadTel.: 662 7161Fax: 6627177TRINIDAD & TOBAGO
Ms. Barbara GrahamProgramme OfficerFAO JAMAICADr. Gaetano Paltrinieri Regional Food Technology and Agroindustries Officer FAO RLAC, Santiago, CHILE
Tyrone Windsor MillerMinistry of EducationNassau
Brent Sears Department of Agriculture Agricultural Supt.P.O. Box N-7506 Nassau
Charimaine Price Department of Agriculture Agricultural Officer P.O. Box N 2038 Nassau
Patricia S. Minnis Department of Agriculture P.O. Box N 3028 Nassau
Wanza Zonicle-MunroeDepartment of AgricultureP.O. Box N 3028Nassau
Heloise Newbold Ministry of Education P.O. Box N 3913/14Nassau
Debbie Bartlett President Debbie's Frozen IslandYoghourt P.O. Box 6094 Nassau
Beth StewartBeth's KitchenTrust Company ExecutiveBITCOP.O. Box N 3336Nassau
Rachel Williams Department of Agriculture Lab. Technician P.O. Box N 3028 Nassau
Komal Smith Department of Agriculture Agricultural Officer P.O. Box N 3028 Nassau
Ines Minus Department of Agriculture Assistant Chemist P.O. Box N 3028 Nassau
Barbara Yaralli Barbara's Kitchen P.O. Box N 264 Nassau
Godfrey Eneas President Agro Consultant Services 10 London Terrace P.O. Box N 1434 Nassau
Gregory Rahming Department of Agriculture P.O. Box N 2038 Nassau
Evelyn Boyd Alfred Doctors Hospital P.O. Box N 1978 Nassau
Earle McClaim Johnson College of The Bahamas P.O. Box N 4912 Nassau
Arnolg A. Dorsett Department of Agriculture Act. Deputy DirectorP.O. Box N 3704 Nassau
Eric A. Carey Department of Agriculture Assistant Agricultural Officer P.O. Box N 3028 Nassau
Elvis L. RolleDepartment of Agriculture Assistant Agricultural Economist P.O. Box N 3029 Nassau
Janet De Barros Lab. Services Manager P.O. Box N 4869 Nassau
Sheena PrattRoyan BankCustomer ServiceRepresentativeP.O. Box N 9271Nassau
Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Grant Bahamasair P.O. Box N 4881 Nassau
Greg V. Cartwright Department of Agriculture Lab. Technician P.O. Box N 3028 Nassau
Annex II : Agenda and time-table
Tuesday. 5 November | |
Arrival of participants. | |
Wednesday, 6 November | |
08:30 - 09:30 | Registration of participants at Queen's Room of the |
British Colonial Beach Resort | |
09:30 - 10 45 | Opening ceremony programme |
Master of Ceremonies: Dr. Prince Bonamy, Act. Director | |
of Agriculture | |
National Anthem: Mr. Teleford Johnson, Computer | |
Programmer Trainee | |
Invocation: Mr. Chaly Swann, Senior Marketing Officer | |
Remarks: Dr. Prince Bonamy, Act. Director of | |
Agriculture, Dr. L. Barbara Graham, Officer in Charge, | |
FAO Office, Jamaica, Dr. Gaetano Paltrinieri, FAO | |
Regional Food Technology and Agroindustries officer, | |
RLAC, Chile | |
Address: Hon. Perry G. Christie, Minister of | |
Agriculture, Trade and Industry | |
Vote of thanks: Ms. Patricia Minnis, Microbiologist | |
10:45 - 11:00 | Refreshments |
11:00 - 11:30 | Election of Chairperson, Rapporteur and Committee |
11:3- - 11:50 | Presentation of the Roundtable, G. Paltrinieri, FAO |
11:50 - 12:10 | Introduction of participants |
12:40 - 13:00 | Discussions |
13:00 - 13:10 | General information for participants |
13:10 | Lunch break |
15:00 - 16:00 | Presentation of summary country reports (St. Vincent |
and the Grenadines, St. Kitts and Nevis and Jamaica) | |
16:00 - 16:30 | Discussions |
16:30 - 17:20 | Presentation of audiovisual material "preserving |
tomatoes", G. Paltrinieri, FAO | |
17:20 - 18:45 | Discussions |
18:45 - 19:30 | Cocktail party and dinner at Workers House |
Thursday. 7 November
08:45 - 09:15 | Presentation of working document of the development of the cottage industries in the CARICOM countries and audiovisual material, G. Paltrinieri, FAO |
09:15 - 09:45 | Continuation of presentation of summary country reports(Belize, Trinidad and Tobago, Guyana, Grenada and Barbados) |
09:45 - 10:00 | Summary of country reports (Chairman) |
10:00 - 10:45 | General discussions |
10:45 - 11:00 | Refreshments |
11:00 - 12:00 | Visit to P.W. Abury & Sons processing factory |
12:00 | Lunch break |
14:00 - 14:45 | Presentation of technical document and audiovisual |
material by Project GCP/JAMt016/NET | |
"Training in integrated postharvest techniques and | |
management for hillside farmers" (National Project | |
Director) | |
14:45 - 15:00 | Discussions |
15:00 - 16:30 | Continuation of the presentation of summary country |
papers (Dominica, St. Lucia, Suriname, Antigua and Barbuda) | |
16:30 - 16:45 | Refreshments |
16:45 - 17 :15 | Discussions |
17:15 - 17:30 | Presentation of audiovisual material on equipment and |
packaging suitable for the cottage industry, | |
G. Paltrinieri, FAO | |
17:30 - 20:30 | Drafting of recommendations by the Committee |
Friday, 8 November | |
09:00 - 09:45 | Adoption of the final recommendations |
09:45 - 10:00 | Final discussion on the Network |
10:00 - 10:45 | Election of the international coordinator of the Network |
10:45 - 11:00 | Refreshments |
11:00 - 12:00 | Visit to the Bahamian Cottage Industry Products Display in the Queen 'a Room |
14:30 | Lucheon at the British Colonial Beach Resort |
16:00 - 17:00 | Closing ceremony |
Invocation: Mr. Arnold Dorsett, Act. DDA. | |
Remarks: Mr. Alwyn Lynch, Chairman of Roundtable, | |
Mr. Gaetano Paltrinieri, FAO Regional Food Technology | |
and Agroinduatries Officer, Mr. Eric Carey, Bahamas, | |
Hon. Perry G. Christie, Minister of Agriculture, Trade | |
and Industry | |
Presentation of participants' certificates: Mr. Betty | |
Strachan, Chairperson Public Services Commission | |
Vote of thanks: Ma. Brenda Garbutt, Belize | |
Saturday, 9 November | |
Departure of participants |
Annex III : Technical material distributed during the roundtable