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2. Objectives of the roundtable

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The main objective of the Roundtable was the exchange of information for the creation and strengthening of small commercial enterprises for processing and marketing of the agricultural produce of small peasants to help develop the rural sector.

The second objective was the reduction of post-harvest quantity and quality losses through the introduction and dissemination of modern small-scale processing technologies.

The specific objectives of the Roundtable were the following:

a)Study and evaluate all the information available with the FAO Regional Office on the development of the cottage industry in the rural area.
b)Discuss the needs and means available for the development and strengthening of small commercial enterprises in the rural area, with special emphasis on the role of women.
c)Discuss training needs, exchange of technical cooperation and plan a subregional strategy in line with the objectives of the Network.

The Roundtable placed emphasis on the discussions of the problems affecting the cottage industry as a whole and, in particular, technological aspects, availability of equipment, marketing strategies, credit schemes, administration and book-keeping of small enterprises, integration of production and the role of women.

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