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Appendix A2: Definitions of acronyms

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av Average
BM Bigroot Morningglory
CAPRO Chief Animal Production Research Officer
CARO Chief Arable Research Officer
CATIE ropical Agronomic Center for Teaching and Research
CGIAR Consultative Group for International Agricultural Research
CIAT International Centre for Tropical Agriculture
CIMMYT International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre
CIRAD Centre de Cooperation Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le développement
CC Common Crupina
cms Centimetres
CRD Completely Randomized Design
CNRD Continuous Non-Registered Data
CTTA Communication for Technology Transfer in Agriculture
CV Coefficient of Variation
DDC District Development Committee
FAO Food and Agricultural Organisation
FMFI Farmer Managed and Implemented
FPR Farmer Participatory Research
FRG Farmer Research Group
FS Farming Systems
FSAR Farming Systems Approach to Research
FSD Farming systems Development
FSR Farming Systems Research
FSR and D Farming Systems Research and Development
FSR/E Farming Systems Research and Extension
FSSP Farming Systems Support Project
FSW Farming Systems Work
FTP Forest, Trees, and People Network
GIS Geographic Information System
ha Hectare
hr Hour
ICLARM International Centre for Aquatic Resource Management
ICRAF International Council for Research on Agroforestry
ICRISAT International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics
IDRC International Development Research Centre
IDS Institute of Development Studies
IIED International Institute for Environment and Development
IITA International Institute of Tropical Agriculture
ILEIA Information Centre for Low External Input Agriculture
IRRI International Rice Research Institute
IRS Intensive Residential Study
ISNAR International Service for National Agricultural Research
kg Kilogram
LS Leafy Spurge
LSD Least Significant Difference
m Metre
MSA Modified Stability Analysis
NARS National Agricultural Research System
NDUAT The N.D. University of Agriculture and Technology
NGO Non-Governmental Organisation
OFR/FSP On-Farm Research with a Farming Systems Perspective
PA Palmer Amaranth
PRA Participatory Rural Appraisal
PFI Practical Farmers of lowa
PSP Production Systems Programme
RAVC Returns above Variable Costs
RCBD Randomized Complete Block Design
RCC Regional Coordinating Committee
RDBM Relational Database Management
RRA Rapid Rural Appraisal
RMFI Researcher Managed and Farmer Implemented
RMRI Researcher Managed and Researcher Implemented
RRA Rapid Rural Appraisal
SIDA Swedish International Development Agency
SPRD Single Point Registered Data
SUAS Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
UK United Kingdom
USAID United States Agency of International Development
USA United States of America


Appendix A3: Estimating crop densities and yields

In FSD trial work measurement of crop densities and yields are often two of the most important activities. The following sections illustrate the complexity of such activities and, in doing so, also indicate the necessity of often having to adjust the methodology to the local situation, in this case to the semi-arid climate of Botswana.

A3.1 Introduction and use of density measurement

After grain yield, plant density is the most important direct measurement in on-farm crop trials. Plant populations vary greatly among planted areas in Botswana. Different technologies and other causes can influence the percent of seeds sown that emerge and become useful plants. In FSD, plant density measurements are used to estimate the percent field emergence.

The FSD researcher should measure plant density when most of the plants of the eventual crop stand are emerged and established. Establishment is a relative term, but with sorghum it is usually four to six weeks after first emergence. Established plants generally have sent roots into the sub-soil below the ploughing layer. The researcher often wishes to measure the percentage of seeds sown that became established as the response variable. Two ways to calculate percent field emergence are:

Percent field emergence = [100 x crop stand (plants/ha)] / number seeds (seeds/ha)

Percent field emergence = [100 x crop stand (plants/ha) x % seed viable] / number seed (seeds/ha)

Note: Researchers not farmers, usually measure population density. When it is not possible or desirable to conduct a stand count for a whole plot, it is necessary to use some sampling procedure. FSD staff in Botswana frequently use the systematic quadrat sampling technique, In the following sub-sections, this method plus several of its variants is discussed,

A3.2 Measuring plant densities

A3.2. 1 Systematic Quadrat Sampling for Broadcast Planting

The procedure consists of the following steps:

Crop stand (plants/ha) = [average number plants per quadrat x 10,000 quadrat length (metres)] / quadrat width (metres)

For example, if there is an average of 8.3 sorghum plants per sub-sample and a quadrat sub-sample of 2m by 2m, the:

Crop stand (plants/ha) = (8.3 x 10,000)/(2 x 2) = 20,750 plants/ha.

Note: When the shape of the plot is long and narrow or of another irregular shape, the sub-sampling pattern should be such that quadrat sub-samples are spaced as equally throughout the plot as is possible.

A3.2.2 Systematic Quadrat Sampling for Row Planting

Crop stand (plants/ha) = [average number plants per quadrat x 10,000] / [number rows in quadrat x quadrat length (metres) x row spacing (metres)]

For example, with an average of 7.4 sorghum plants per sub-sample, when each quadrat sub-sample is 2m x 2m, with an average row spacing of 0,75 metres, and two rows in the sub-sample, then the:

Crop stand (plants/ha) = (7,4 x 10,000)/(2 x 2 x ().75) = 24,667 plants/ha.

Note: Researchers should avoid sampling in rows where the plant stand is unusual due to a cause other than the treatment. The most common example is blockage of a planter during one pass through the plot. When this problem is observed, a neighbouring, but not adjacent, row is sampled.

A3.2.3 Row Segment Measurement for Row Planting

Crop stand (plants/ha) = [average number plants per segment x 10,000] / [segment length (metres) x row spacing (metres)]

For example, with an average of 21.4 sorghum plants per segment sample, each segment having a length of 1() metres, and average row spacing of 0.75 metres, then the:

Crop stand (plants/ha) = (21.4 x 10,000)/(10 x 0.75) = 28,533 plants/ha.

If more than one row in the segment sub-sample is included, then:

Crop stand (plants/ha) = [average number plants per segment x 10,000] / [segment length (metres) x row spacing (metres) x number of rows]

Note: Researchers who use this method must check that the measuring stick does not slide out of position when they make their plant counts.

A3.2.4 Methods for Mixed Cropping in a Broadcast Planting

Use the method described for systematic quadrat sub-sampling for broadcast planting (see Section A3.2.1). When crops are mixed, the researcher must record the number of plants separately for each crop that he or she identifies in a sub-sample. A crop stand for each crop in the mixture and for the combined mixture is calculated.

Note: Mixed cropping situations happen in many on-farm trials. Volunteer watermelons, cowpeas, and other crops commonly establish in sorghum trials. In experiments controlled by the farmer, these volunteers should be left and counted. In other experiments, where agronomic data are more important, the researcher may wish to remove these plants. The researcher should not count the removed plants.

For example, if there is an average of 8,3 sorghum plants and an average of 0,9 watermelon plants per sub-sample and a quadrat sub-sample of 2m by 2m, the:

Sorghum stand (plants/ha) = (8,3 x 10,000)/(2 x 2) = 20,750 plants/ha

And the:

Watermelon stand (plants/ha) = (0,9 x 10,000)/(2 x 2) = 2,250 plants/ha


Intercrop stand (plants/ha) = 20,750 sorghum plants + 2,250 watermelon plants/ha.

A3.2.5 Methods for Mixed Cropping in a Row Planting (intercropping)

Use the method described for row segment measurement for row planting (see Section A3.2.3), The researcher sub-samples or counts each crop in the intercrop and records these data separately, Usually, the segment samples for one crop are paired with segment samples for the other crop. Record the proportion of intercrop rows occupied by each crop.

Stand for each crop (plants/ha) = [average number plants per segment x proportion of rows x 10,000] / [segment length (metres) x row spacing (metres)]

Stand for the intercrop (plants/ha) = ((average number plants of first crop per segment x proportion of rows) + (average number plants of second crop per segment x proportion of rows) x 10,000)/(segment length (metres) x row spacing (metres))

Take the example of a two-row sorghum to one-row cowpea intercrop. Research staff count an average of 18.4 sorghum plants per segment sample and an average of 12.6 cowpea plants per segment sample. Each segment has a length of 8 metres, The average row spacing is 0.82 metres.

The sorghum stand = (18.4 x 0.67 x 10,000)/(8 x 0,82) = 18,793 plants/ha

The cowpea stand = (12,6 x 0,33 x 10,000)/(8 x 0,82) = 6,338 plants/ha

The intercrop stand = [((18.4 x 0,67) + (12,6 x 0,33) x 10,000)] / (8,0 x 0,82) = 25,131 plants/ha

Note: The inter-crop stand equals the sorghum stand plus the cowpea stand.

A3.2.6 Percent Ground Cover as an Alternate Measurement

Percent ground cover can be used as an alternative to plant counts in some situations. It is often preferable to estimate weed growth by percent ground cover than by plant counts. This is because weed plants differ enormously in size per plant, Spreading crops such as watermelon, pumpkin, and indeterminate cowpea also might be measured as ground cover instead of plant number.

On-farm researchers in Botswana use percent ground cover to measure weed growth before ploughing, weed growth at weeding time, weed growth late in the season, and watermelon growth in a sorghum-melon mix. Researchers use two different cover-estimation methods:

Additional points to note are:

The following situation occurs commonly in on-farm research, Suppose there is a need to know the sorghum plant density as well as the ground cover provided by a secondary intercrop or by weeds. Using systematic quadrat sampling (see Section A3.2.1), the following were found: an average of 8,3 sorghum plants and an average watermelon plant cover (i.e., Method 2 above) of 62% per sub-sample, the:

Intercrop stand = 20,750 sorghum plants/ha, + 62% watermelon ground cover,

A3.3 Introduction to crop yield estimation

Yield is the most important direct measurement in crop experiments, In this section, methods that are used to measure crop yield in on-farm research are discussed, Over the years, these methods have been used and modified to suit the needs of work in Botswana. The methods vary, because requirements of experiments differ. Researchers should thoughtfully select the appropriate method for each experiment in their programme.

Once a method is selected, it should be used throughout the trial or experiment. This can ensure that differences in the data are a result of treatments and not of a change in research methods. If circumstances require a change, the change should take place between replications and not between treatments. Treatments in a replication must be handled in a uniform manner.

Not only methods, but personnel and equipment, cause bias in a yield measurement, if one treatment is favoured. Farmers or staff sometimes have a preferred treatment. When this happens, the data become biased and possibly invalid. Training of staff and farmers helps avoid bias caused by uneven use of measuring methods,

The researcher will choose a method for several reasons: speed, ease, cost, information needed, precision needed, nature of crop or crop mixture, and design of the trial, The researcher must also remember that yield measurement, whether by researcher or farmer, should be handled in a way that does not greatly inconvenience the farmer.

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