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6.5 Research resource considerations

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Maximizing the return from the limited resources available for research must always be a major consideration. Two areas that are important in ensuring that research resources are allocated in an optimal manner are considering very careful the level of understanding that is required -greater accuracy often requires more research resources - and ensuring that the research priorities selected are the correct ones. These two topics are considered in a little more detail in the following sections.

6.5.1 Degree of Understanding Required

At first glance? it seems that going through all the steps described above could take a great deal of time. This is likely to be the case, if an effort is made to collect at first hand large amounts of accurate quantitative-type data. However, this is not always necessary and, therefore, is not desirable. After all, collecting descriptive information is not an end in itself but is used to provide an input into designing and testing work,


In Botswana, FSD teams have worked with both high- and low-leverage interventions. For example, a good deal of the work done in collaboration with the commodity researchers on the experiment station has a low leverage characteristic -- particularly in the case of an enterprise that is not a major component in the farming system. However, adoption of the proposed changes can help improve the productivity of that enterprise, in particular, and possibly have some impact on the farming system as a whole. This occurs if the enterprise concerned uses a significant proportion of the resources involved in implementing the farming system as a whole.

FSD teams in Botswana have been willing to support work with low-leverage characteristics because of the difficulty, in this harsh climatic environment, of developing interventions with a high leverage characteristic that will be adopted readily by farmers. The difficult environmental conditions provide little flexibility in the farming system, because a key management factor is the ability of farmers to plough and plant when they are likely to optimize the use of water available for plant growth and maximize efficiency of water use. Therefore, researchers are faced with the challenge of trying to develop relevant technologies to break a major constraint, rather than having the easier task of developing technologies that will avoid the constraint by exploiting the flexibility that exists within the farming system.

Under the harsh climatic conditions of Botswana, major emphasis has had to be on developing technologies that break constraints. Adoption of such technologies by farmers involves major changes in their farming systems. For example, much of the FSD work has concentrated on changing the ploughing-planting operation to improve water availability. However, strategies to improve water availability to the plant at planting time require more draught than the traditional strategy of broadcasting the seed and ploughing it in.

Therefore, in summary, a good deal of the FSD work done in Botswana 'with a pre-determined focus, tends to have a low-leverage characteristic, whereas FSD work 'in the small' tends to have a high leverage characteristic. Unfortunately, it involves interventions that have to break the major constraint of limited water availability, rather than being able to exploit the little flexibility that generally exists in Botswana farming systems.

In deciding what quantitative-type data to collect, guidelines such as the following can be used:

6.5.2 Setting Priorities

During the descriptive and diagnostic work, it is likely that farmers will articulate, and researchers will observe, more problems in the farming system than can possibly be addressed, Researchers' time and resources often are limited, so they must consider carefully how much work can be done and restrict the number of activities undertaken, Setting research priorities is a complex process and will be influenced somewhat by information and analysis arising out of the steps that were outlined in Sections 5,7 and 5,8, Four general factors that are important in influencing the setting of the research priorities are as follows:

Other important issues to consider when setting priorities for research include the following:

Part III - Methodology for the farming systems development approach

Descriptions and 'how to' guides for a number of data collection and analytical methods are presented in this part. The four chapters in this part, which contain information for both technical and socio-economic scientists, are devoted to:


7. Data collection methods

7.1 Objectives of chapter

The objectives of this chapter are to:

7.2 Common data collection methods

Obviously, both technical and socio-economic data are needed in the development of relevant improved technologies for farmers. For example, the time spent on ploughing a field is dependent on the type of draught used and the number of hours per day that it is used. However, ploughing time also is determined by a number of technical factors, such as moisture in the soil and the soil type. Unfortunately, data collected and analysis undertaken often reflect only socio-economic or technical data. Looking at only one aspect does not represent the whole picture. Collecting both types of data is not always possible, but the limitations of collecting only one type should be recognized.

The most common methods of collecting data in FSD work are the following:

Surveys, which involve interviewing, include many different types. One possible schematic breakdown, although not perfect in that it would probably not be universally accepted, is given in Figure 7.1. It is important to note that usually, in formal (i.e., structured) surveys, only one respondent is interviewed at a time, whereas in informal (i.e., unstructured) surveys, respondents may be interviewed individually' or quite often, as a group. Direct observation, because of its expense, has tended to be used sparingly in FSD work and, when utilized, has tended to be undertaken in conjunction with other methods. Direct measurement activities often are associated with monitoring and trial activities (see Section 8.6).

Figure 7.1: Types of surveys (interviews)

A number of factors influence what method or methods of data collection are used. Some of these are:

Usually, measurement errors are lower with single-point registered data (i.e., when memory recall would be good) and higher with continuous non-registered data (i.e., when memory recall would be bad).

It is possible to subjectively evaluate the methods of data collection in terms of the above factors. In Table 7.1 the significance of each factor or operational constraint with respect to each method is given a ranking of I to 6, with '1' indicating a very favourable ranking and '6' indicating a very unfavourable ranking.


Finances 1 2 3 6 6
Staff skills 6 3 3 6 5
Time required 1 1 5 6 6
Type of system:          
Simple 1 2 1 1 1
Complex 5 5 2 1 1
Sampling 6c 1b 3b 5c 5c
SPRDd 3 3 1 1 3
CNRDe 6 6 2 1 1

Source: Modified from Kearl [1976].

a. Evaluation of data collection strategies in terms of cost per unit with respect to various operations (1=lowest cost per unit, 6 = highest).
b. Evaluated in terms of ability to reduce sampling error.
c. Evaluated in terms of ability to specify sampling error.
d. Single-point registered data.
e. Continuous non-registered data

Because of different disciplinary needs, as well as needs to mesh together the use of limited research resources, a strategy consisting of a combination of methods normally is used. The results in Table 7.1 show that no one method of data collection is basically superior in minimizing operational constraints.

As indicated earlier, careful thinking is required about how accurately the data must be collected (Section 6.5.1). Keep in mind that the costs (e.g., financial and time) associated with a data collection method should be comparable to the type of information sought. For example, multiple-visit surveys for quantifying actual seasonal labour flows are expensive and require a good deal of time. A rough estimate based on a much cheaper and quicker, oneshot survey, in fact, may be sufficient for the purpose required. It is important to consider whether a more accurate measurement would improve the understanding enough to justify giving up other opportunities, such as working with more farming families, As indicated earlier, depending on the type of data being collected, measurement errors are reduced with more frequent interviewing techniques, whereas sampling errors are reduced by involving larger numbers of farmers. Because, in FSD work, research resources are invariably limited, a trade-off between these two errors is necessary.

Related to the above, and to efficiency, is the idea that cheaper, qualitative type data sometimes may provide sufficient understanding rather than expensive, quantitative type data. Qualitative information can include not only attitudinal information, but information on the relative labour requirements of different operations, etc. Limiting quantification to key characteristics reduces the cost involved in collecting data,

Surveys involving interviews are used a great deal in FSD, Figure 7.1 illustrates the different types. The most suitable type of interview will depend on circumstances. In general greater emphasis now is being placed on informal surveys to get the necessary information in a quick and efficient manner. All surveys, no matter how they are undertaken, need to be designed to facilitate quick processing so as to simplify the transfer of data to computerbased systems.

Structured interviews, using schedules with pre-coded, closed-ended questions (see Section 8.5), are potentially more efficient in this regard and should be used whenever possible, especially il.:

7.3 Major data collection methods by FSD stage

Table 7.2 is an attempt to indicate the major data collection methods now considered by most FSD practitioners to be best at each FSD stage. Once again, there is a degree of personal subjectivity about the degree of importance attached to each method in each stage of FSD. Indeed, some of the weighting reflects what is considered to be desirable rather than what is currently done. As examples, multiple-visit formal surveys used to be very important in the descriptive/diagnostic stage, and a one-visit formal survey still is considered to be important by some practitioners in the same stage. Also impact/adoption studies still are not undertaken in the dissemination stage to the extent that would be desirable. Therefore, it is important to note that changes have occurred in priorities given to different methods over the years. Reasons for this relate to evolution in methodology and increasing concern with maximizing the return from limited research resources. Related to the latter have been three considerations, namely:


Secondary information 1 1   2
Talk with knowledgeable people 1 1 2 2
Data collection method:        
Informal surveys 1 3 2 2
Formal surveys:        
One/few visits 2   3 1
Multiple visits 5   5  
Observation 3     3
Direct measurement 5 4 1 4

a. Those efforts not involving primary data collection are separated out in the table. Also within each stage, a subjective evaluation is given of the importance of each method with 1 indicating most important. A value of 5 indicates that it is generally undesirable and should be undertaken only in extreme situations. Values between 1 and 5 reflect the gradient between important/desirable and unimportant/undesirable. Cells with no entry reflect little or no reliance on that method/approach.


8. Survey methods (indirect measurements)

8.1 Objectives

The major form of data collection through indirect measurement is via surveys. Therefore, this chapter concentrates on surveys, The objectives of the chapter are to:

8.2 Obtaining farmer cooperation

Without doubt, in order to benefit from any type of collaboration with farmers, it is important to develop a good relationship with them, The initial approach to the farmer and the relationship that develops over time, are critical elements in creating an environment conducive to collaboration, Two points are important in developing a good relationship:

There are a number of tips on executing interviews in a way that will maximize the interaction between the farmers and team members and the value of information that is obtained. Four stages in the interviewing process are [Rhoades, 1982]:

8.3 Formal (structured) and informal (unstructured) surveys compared

Surveys are obviously very useful and efficient means of collecting data. Table 8.1 presents, in general terms, some of the distinguishing characteristics of the two major types of surveys, namely informal (unstructured) surveys and formal (structured) surveys. These characteristics highlight the different uses and means of implementing them.

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