The following organizations provide information or training in the post-harvest handling of fresh produce:
Asian Vegetable Research and Development Centre (AVRDC)
PO Box 42
Tainan 741
ASEAN Post-harvest Horticultural Training & Research
Center (PHTRC)
Department of Horticulture
College of Agriculture
University of the Philippines at Los BaƱos
PO Box 372
ASEAN Food-Handling Bureau (AFHB)
Technical Information Services
Level 5
F13 & F14 Damansara Town Centre
50490 Kuala Lumpur
Caribbean Research & Development Institute (CARDI)
University of the West Indies
St. Augustine
Trinidad, W.l.
Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization
Division of Food Research
PO Box 52
North Ryde
New South Wales 2113
Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA)
Calle Primera esq Fray Cipriano de Utrera
Centro de los Heroes
Santo Domingo
Dominican Republic
International Centre for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)
Apartado Aereo 67-13
International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA)
PMB 5320
International Potato Centre (CIP)
Apartado 5969
Overseas Development Natural Resources Institute (ODNRI)
Central Avenue
Chatham Maritime
Kent ME4 4TB
Post-harvest Institute for Perishables (PIP)
College of Agriculture
Idaho 83843
South Pacific Commission
PO Box D5
Noumea CEDEX
New Caledonia
South Pacific
In addition, there are in many countries national sources of information which can be asked for help. Most agricultural, horticultural and food ministries or departments are able to offer advice. Many universities have faculties of agriculture, horticulture and food science which can provide information and often offer courses on the post-harvest handling of fresh produce.
ARTHEY, V.D. Quality of horticultural products. London, Butterworth.
COBLEY, L.S. Rev. by W.M. Steele. An introduction to the botany of tropical crops. 1976 London, Longmans.
COURSEY, D.G. Yams. London, Longmans. 1967
KURUP, C.G., NARASINGA RAO, U., KACHROO, P. and TATA, S.N. The mango: a 1967 handbook. New Delhi, Indian Council for Agric. Res.
PANTASTICO, E.B. Post-harvest physiology, handling and utilization of tropical and 1975 subtropical fruits and vegetables. Westport, Connecticut. AVI Publishing.
PLUCKNETT D.L. ed. Small-scale processing and storage of tropical root crops 1979 Boulder, Colorado, Westview.
RYALL, A.L. and LIPTON, W.J. Handling. transportation and storage of fruits and 1979 vegetables, Vol. 1, Vegetables and melons, 2nd ed. Westport, Connecticut, AVI Publishing.
RYALL, A.L. and PENTZER, W.T. Handling, transportation and storage of fruits and 1982 vegetables, Vol. 2, Fruits, 2nd ed. Westport, Connecticut, AVI Publishing.
SAMSON, J.A. Tropical fruits. 2nd ed. Harlow, Longmans. 1986
SIMMONDS, N.W. and STOVER, R.H. Bananas. Harlow. Longmans. 1987
VILLAREAL, R.L. and GRIGGS, T.D. eds. Sweet potato, Proc. First Int. Symp., Tainan, 1982 Taiwan. Asian Vegetable Res. & Dev. Centre.
WARDOWSKI, W.F., NAGY, S., and GRIERSON, W. eds. Citrus fruits, Westport, 1983 Connecticut, AVI Publishing.
WILLS, R. LEE, T., GRAHAM, D., McGLASSON, B. and HALL, E. Post-harvest: an 1981 introduction to the physiology and handling of fruit and vegetables, Kensington, NSW, New South Wales Univ. Press.