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Brief bibliography

Adele Jinadu L & U M O Ivowi, eds (1982) Human Rights Education in Nigeria, Nigeria National Commission for UNESCO, Lagos

Archard, D (1993) Children, Rights and Childhood, Routledge, London

Baehr, P; Hey, H; Smith, J.; Swinehart, T (1995) Human Rights in Developing Countries: Year Book 1995 Kluwer Law International; Nordic Human Rights Publications

Baglin Jones, E & Jones, N eds (1992) Education for Citizenship, Kogan Page, London

Bernstein-Tarrow ed (1987) Human Rights and Education, Pergamon, Oxford

Bobbio, N (1996) The Age of Rights, Polity, London

Botswana Ministry of Education (1987) Social Studies - Revised Junior Secondary Syllabus and (1988) Kagisano and Botswana's Four National Principles Botswana Government Printers

Botswana Ministry of Education (1993) Report of the National Commission on Education Botswana Government Printers

Botswana Ministry of Education (1994) The Revised Policy on Education, Botswana Government Printers

Botswana Ministry of Education (1996) Guidance and Counselling Syllabus, Botswana Government Printers

Botswana Ministry of Education (1996) Moral Education Draft Syllabus, Botswana Government Printers

Botswana Ministry of Local Government, Lands and Housing (1992) Report of the Launching of the Day of the African Child, Botswana Government Printers

Bourne, R (1994) Commonwealth Values in Education Commonwealth Secretariat Human Rights Unit, London

Brownlie, I (1971) Basic Documents on Human Rights, Oxford University Press, Oxford

Cassese, A (1990) Human Rights in a Changing World, Polity, London

Council of Europe (1993) Vienna Declaration, Council of Europe, Strasbourg

Davies, P ed (1988) Human Rights, Routledge, London

Dev, A; Dev, I A; Das, S (1996) Human Rights - A Source Book, National Council of Educational Research and Training, New Delhi

Ditshwanelo (1996) Ke tsa rona! A Participative Human Rights Education Training Manual for Youth and Non-Formal Sectors, Ditshwanelo, Gaborone

Dow, U & Mogwe, A (1991) The Convention of the Rights of the Child and the Legal status of Children in Botswana: A consultancy report for UNICEF Botswana UNICEF Botswana

English K & Stapleton A (1995) The Human Rights Handbook University of Essex

Gallagher, C (1996) History Teaching and the Promotion of Democratic Values and Tolerance, Council of Europe, Strasbourg

Gillborn, D (1990) 'Race,' Ethnicity and Education: teaching and learning in multiethnic schools, Unwin Hyman, London

Heater, D (1984) Human Rights Education in Schools: concepts, attitudes and skills, Council of Europe, Strasbourg

Hingorani, R C (1985) Human Rights in India, New Delhi

Human Rights Directorate (1992) Intercultural Learning for Human Rights, Council of Europe, Strasbourg

Milner, D (1975) Children and Race, Penguin, Harmondsworth

Ministry of Human Resource Development, India (1992) National Policy an Education, Government of India, New Delhi

Mirza, H (1992) Young, Female and Black, Routledge, London

National Council for Teacher Education, India (1996) Human Rights and National Values: A Self-Learning Module, National Council for Teacher Education, New Delhi

National Council of Educational Research and Training (1988) National Curriculum for Elementary and Secondary Education - A Framework, NCERT, New Delhi

Osler A & Starkey H (1996) Teacher Education and Human Rights, David Fulton Publishers, London

Palley, C (1991) The United Kingdom and Human Rights, Stevens, London

Ray, D (1994) Education for Human Rights, UNESCO, Paris

Smith, A (1994) The EMU promoting school - a report of a conference on Education for Mutual Understanding and Cultural Heritage, University of Ulster, Coleraine

Smith, A & Robinson A (1992) Education for Mutual Understanding: Perceptions and Policy University of Ulster, Coleraine

Smith, A & Robinson A (1996) Education for Mutual Understanding: The Initial Statutory Years, University of Ulster, Coleraine

Starkey, H ed (1991) The Challenge of Human Rights Education, Cassell, London

Thorpe, T (1996) Young Citizen's Passport, Citizenship Foundation, London

Tomasevski, K (1993) Women and Human Rights, Zed Books, London

UNICEF (1995) The Convention on the Rights of the Child, UK Committee for UNICEF, London

US State Department (1996) Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 1996, United States of America Printing Office, Washington

Venkataramiah, Justice E S ed (1988) Human Rights in the Changing World, New Delhi

Whitty G. Rowe G and Aggleton P (1994) Subjects and themes in the secondary school curriculum, Research papers in education, London

Wright, T (1994) Citizens and Subjects, Routledge, London